I can tell you about as clearly as it can be stated, I do not get my news from the same sources you get your fake news (and no, none of those you listed are considered reliable and objective by me.)
My news sources are not aligned with either side. My sources are objective. Unlike yours, they do not love or hate Trump, or at least if they do, it's not reflected in what they report. You simply cannot say that about fake news CNN, or fake news MSNBC, or fake news New York Times, or fake news Washington Post, etc., etc.
Regarding your prescience going all the way back to 2017, flattery has nothing to do with it. Clear, unhidden, unabashed hatred does. For example, up until the republican debates leading up to the 2016 election, I considered CNN to be generally reliable. As I watched the post-debate coverage, I noticed that the potted plants they had lined up as *experts* were saying that Trump said things he simply had not said. Or they would take what he said and twist in about as negative way as possible. Clearly this worked on people like you, who cannot pay attention to things as they happen, because you bought it completely.
And just to make sure CNN hasn't changed their policy of editorializing the news, I hold my nose every freaking weekend and tune in. I can usually only take it for about 45 mins of out and out venting about 'orange man bad' before I have to turn it off.
No, I will not do your research for you about states, etc. You wouldn't learn anything that way. You're pretty much on your own, buckaroo. I will throw you a crumb though. Today Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo, has said he will contest the electoral college results. Another crumb for you, since you must have slept through your junior high civics classes; it only takes one member of the house and one member of the senate contesting the results too... Sorry, you have to figure out the rest on your own. You know, give a man a fish vs. teaching a man to fish.
And BTW, calling Trump "tRUMPf " or any other such juvenile, immature derivation, doesn't make what you're trying to say any more valid. If you want to be taken seriously, as an adult, you really should try to communicate as an adult.