Biden's not telling anyone to do anything. he cant even remember he's not running for senate anymore. my point is, the whole power behind the rather transparent Biden blind is fraudulent. the media included.
they were not allowed to watch in certain place where a miraculous amount of mail in ballots suddenly arrived.
do. your. research. you know that the Biden's have been caught mussing around with china. technically its more of a Clinton thing, but the bidders are heavily invested in it.
I don't care if he's a narcissist. no body in office cares about anyone else than themselves, that's a fact. a fact that I am not new to. the biggest mistake you liberals make, is buying the mask of "caring", when everyone knows, even you, that politics is not an emotional game. your emotional arguments are getting you nowhere, and are not stable. if the best you can mange is insults, then I will accept the fact that I have won this debate.
that is my opinion, I am asking for yours now. if you have one. I want your reasons for thinking Biden is in any way better than Trump
I have noticed that throughout all of our discussions you have refrained from giving me any persuasive arguments other than what I can hear on any of the main news channels, which is probably where you get your "reports".