You know Trump has helped with the vaccine? You know he shut down China travel when all this started and Biden and Harris both called him racist toward Chinese and a xenophobe for it.
Also, China is radically authoritarian, which Trump is not and the radical left is. And if they really cared about not spreading Covid, they’d make us wear stuff to protect us from ever coming into contact with others’ germs, which masks just don’t. You know viruses can infect you if they hit your eyes, right?
Also, I don’t suspect China invented the virus. If they did they’ve got some real demons over there. What I believe is that America has decided to make it political. I wish Republicans and Democrats would work together on this. But Democrats are too busy trying to steal all the credit and blame all the bad results on Republicans. That’s why this is still a big deal. The way Democrats are handling this virus has made me suspect things I learned in history and believed until a few weeks ago. Republicans aren’t against trying to solve this bug. They fight masks because no one pushed masks until Trump echoed what both the CDC and WHO were saying about masks, and then everyone instantly flipped what they were saying and made it about Trump not caring about Americans dying from Covid. And some black woman has been saying there’s a cure for covid and the media has dismissed it by talking about her character instead of if the cure works.
Also, if people get routinely tested they should be fine around each other. Just don’t show up somewhere if you test positive. I have been safe with friends for months, (I only personally know 2 people who have gotten Covid besides my family) but when we went to a hospital, that’s when I got covid. And many of my friends have been around their families. I’m not trying to say the 🦠 isn’t a threat, and I would love for them to get a solution for it. But I’m saying it can be avoided if everyone is smart.