I respectfully decline your suggestion, but thank you for your civillity.
The opposition to it, as I said, is growing. If we look at these stats (taken from a very pro-choice website), we see that a very large percentage are undertaken purely because, "they weren't ready" or "the timing wasn't right":
I don't think it's OK to kill a human being in its first stages of development because "the timing isn't right" or "they aren't ready". According to that website that means we're murdering 93 people per 1000 live births purely because those responsible for their conception decided they were a mistake. Additionally, there are those who abort children with mental or physical defects. I don't think it's fair to declare people like that less-deserving of respect even after birth, and don't think it's fair to do so just because they've not been born yet either. That to me reeks of the reasoning Hitler used to justify exterminating Jews, Catholics, and other 'undesirables'.
Now, there are of course situations in which the life of the mother is at stake, and in these then procedures which may result in the death of the child are still ethically permissible. The difference, so you don't think I'm being a hypocrite, is that the procedures try to save the life of both the mother and the child.
The question I ask myself, with regards to abortion, is, "If you could speak to the millions and millions of people who have been aborted, and asked them whether they thought they deserved to be aborted, then what do you think they would say? We'll never know, because their lives were cut short without asking them. I consider that absolutely vile and an affront to the basic right to self-determination all human beings deserve.
These articles are interesting reads on the subject no matter one's position. I highly recommend them.