No, not really.
No one is blaming Trump for it happening but there are certainly people with the opinion that Trump could've done more. Whether or not that was reasonable is an entirely different argument from you original statement which was:
"If they didn't die from the kung flu this year most of them would've been taken out by the regular flu."
Which appears to imply that 250,000 Americans dead from flu is normal.
The number is only a problem in relation to people, like Trump, who continue to call this a seasonal flu. It isn't. The problem is Trump wishes to treat it like the flu by not treating it like a national emergency, which most countries could afford to do. Instead, he relinquished his role as a leader and split it between Pence and his COVID taskforce and the governors. And he continues to berate governors, especially Democratic ones, for lockdown procedures.
Another problem with Trump is not only is he refusing to concede the election, but he is preventing the proper information from being released to the transition team that would allow Biden to jump on the COVID situation with his boots on the ground. Instead, it may take months for him to catch up on all the information the Trump administration is ignoring and refusing to send out.
Supposedly, that information may hit Biden's desk before December but, I guess we'll have to wait and see.
At this point, it's also irrelevant whether or not Trump is responsible for the 250,000 deaths as he will no longer be President.
The people have spoken, and their opinion is, apparently, that he just didn't cut it despite any advantage there was in having him in office.
So, no. We will not be moving on until the people who are still dragging their feet on this pandemic start to realize this is a serious situation and it's going to take all of us to come together to fight this pandemic.
Our pride, and our inability to adapt in the face of a crisis is the true monster. Donald Trump and those who refuse to take this seriously, just feed that monster.