Higher prices are not taxes. It sucks to be recovering, especially when we could have put up some resistance to COVID-19 rather than welcoming it. Democrats deport foreigners too.
Again? We need our oil industry jobs to move to solar/renewables. The Federal government has not yet put enough incentive, or stick, to get oil companies to change their path. And they haven't done anything despite their mountains of cash and the mountains of data and knowledge that tells us we will significantly change the surface of this planet. Trade agreements can be good or bad and many times it is retrospective.
Green energy is not a luxury. It is a need. In the true sense of need. In order to keep living at the current coastline, in order to die less to fires/tornadoes/disasters, in order to keep farming where we are farming, in order to avoid hundreds of millions or a billion climate refugees, we NEED to change our energy source.
Also, I'd like to see your crystal ball.