I saw your response to this excellent meme by The_Original_Abby_Normal in which your praised (gasp!) California.
Have you not heard that folks are bailing out of the high tax, high cost Blue states?
Have you had a chance to watch Newsmax or are you triggered by contrary opinions?
BTW, if you do live in California or for that matter anywhere else in the USA, are there any homeless people around? Are there Food Banks for people who don't have enough to eat?
If so, does it make any sense to import more people if we can't even provide food and housing for those already here?
If you want to be an immigration advocate and value signal, that's fine, but don't expect others to agree with you.
Oh, and one more thing, have you seen the National Debt Clock?
The country is currently 27+ trillion in debt.
Please realize that Biden's 1.9 trillion stimulus bill will be done with borrowed money.
Are you familiar with the Student Loan Program?
And how that was supposed to help them, but merely allowed colleges to raise their prices?
And the students got way screwed and wound up way, way in debt?
What will happen the whole country is in even more debt than it is now?
Just print more money?
How's that going to work out?
Vote for Democrats and find out!