You’re absolutely right. Everything Obama did, the media approved of. Even if it was to bring Ebola in to the US for treatment purposes. I have a feeling that they don’t want COVID to be solved until Biden is in office. There’s a woman who claims she has a cure for COVID, and the left doesn’t want to talk about whether it works; they only want to talk about her character problems. If she actually does have a cure, that’s just wicked. (Well, it’s wicked to not investigate it). Every time I see someone suicidal because of the Covid pandemic’s difficulties i get more and more offended at how much these ppl could care less about them and the rest of America as long as they can just get Trump out of office. It’s ridiculous.
The other thing is that the Democrats pushed lockdown when Trump has been fighting it, and now it’s Trump’s fault the economy is failing. Give me a break.
Yes, it’s exactly the same story. Every time a Democrat is in office, we know every little good thing they do (or a favorable interpretation of something they’re doing). You get a Republican in office, this is ignored, and we hear about all the bad things they do. You get someone like Trump in office (who does a whole lot & who they really want out really bad) EVERYTHING good they do is ignored, they’re blamed for every single problem in the country, (including naturally occurring pandemics). They’re flat out lied about (the whole disabled reporter fairy tale), and the good they do is not even known about. It’s really insane.