Yes, Obama did in fact violate the basic beliefs and First Amendment rights of the Little Sisters of the Poor, a Catholic organization, by attempting to force them to destroy a central Catholic belief of theirs and provide abortifacients and contraceptives to folks under their care. This was a complete betrayal of a basic American value, which is that all people have the right to exercise their religious beliefs.
The most fascist President in history was Woodrow Wilson, who arrested those who spoke against the Federal government and was by all accounts a nasty, racist bigot.
So you support keeping our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq (in the latter case this is outside the requirements of Operation New Dawn), fighting an endless war that we essentially won years ago? We can accomplish more abroad with fewer troops, Trump did right by us by trying to spare families the heartbreak of losing a loved one. He's also cultivating new alliances with India, reinforcing our relationship with Taiwan and Japan, and de-escalated tensions with North Korea by recognizing American foreign policy with that dictatorship (there's a real fascist for you) can no longer be based off NK denuclearization.
I remember Pelosi and Schumer downplaying the threat of the virus until early March too. In February she released a video of her in a crowded San Francisco square, encouraging them to mingle and not to fear what she said was essentially a flu. This was at the time Trump tried to ban travel from virus-ridden China.
If you think Trump is the greatest enemy the U.S ever had, then I encourage you to read about three events: The Civil War (356,000 U.S troops died putting down an insurrection that was, at its core, trying to defend the "right" to own and enslave other human beings), World War II (Given your childish insults of 'tRUMPf' I assume you do know something about Hitler, who actually killed millions of people for having different beliefs than him), and the Cold War (The 'great' dictators of Communist nations killed more than ten times the people Hitler did, and that man's body count was not small).
Perhaps you'll gain a greater perspective on why no President can actually damage this country in any substantial way unless he comes up with a path to subvert the Constitution.