A good on-point article
Basically, viral disinformation is winning the war on reality. The orthodox theory has long been that hate speech, conspiracy theories, etc. should be permitted but countered with "better speech." But that unfortunately just doesn't play out in reality.
"Better speech" is repeatedly tuned out, ignored, ridiculed, trolled and rejected by those who are upset with the state of the world or simply intellectually incapable of processing it. Changing your mind is much more difficult than maintaining belief in comforting lies.
We see this everywhere on the internet and certainly on ImgFlip.
What's the solution? Aggressive content moderation.
Private companies have ***no obligation*** to feature content that they don't want to. For example: CNN doesn't have to give Milo Yiannopoulos a TV show, and FOX News doesn't have to give Ta-Nehisi Coates a primetime speaking slot.
The same principle translates into social media. ImgFlip has no obligation to sponsor content that parrots the beliefs that Trump won the election, that face masks don't save lives, that Jews were responsible for 9/11, that blacks are genetically inferior and that women belong in the kitchen. Currently, ImgFlip as whole appears to be willing to censor the very most violent and hateful content but lets much of the rest slide.
But certainly, stream mods bear no such obligation and many of us are building streams where such vile content is not allowed.