Fancy Wordplay & synonyms dancing around the point mean nothing and won't get past me.
Unbiased studies? There are no unbiased studies.
Statistics, who's? Everybody comes up with their own statistics to point fingers.
Watching Speeches from who? Let me guess, A pundit or politician again. Who are all biased, and give you confirmation bias.
Original videos, what original videos? A YouTuber with an opinion supporting Drumpf and critiquing the other side amounts to "Red Meat" for the confirmation bias crowd to have something to chew on. But again, is meaningless "hot air" without any root source. Unless you just don't want to be found out that all your sources are the same rightwing propaganda. Levin, Beck, Savage, Limbaugh, Shapiro, Pj Media, Heritage Foundation, Fox, Drudge aka Sludge Report, Breitbart aka Breitbarf. etc etc XYZ. They're all the same grapes.