"So you have no solar panels because you are a child living with your parents. When you grow up, you're going to move out and get solar panels for your imaginary house. A real house sells for the medium cost of $226,800. The cost for solar panels for the average home is $32,000-$45,000 depending on square footage. Unfortunately, you can't purchase either with feelings, hopes, or dreams."
I don't believe you (especially judging by that you're so much of a troll that OberstGilbert told us you caused him to leave), but even if that's true, it's worth it because I won't get any more electric bills. Many folks buy solar panels just so they can save money.
"Here's some added information you don't know. The electric company purchases the energy generated from the solar panels you paid for, for a price they decide and sell it to consumers at a cost they decide. You don't get a choice to sell it, they take it. When the sun goes down you buy electricity from the electric company at the cost they decide. You aren't saving any money, you aren't helping the environment, you're enriching the electric companies you despise."
Again, many folks buy solar panels so they can save money. Even if what you said is true, it's probably worth it. I have a feeling that you're heavily exaggerating; otherwise, solar panels just wouldn't be a thing.