Ooh noice!
I'm extremely busy now (i had 2 take an unexpected hiatus from imgflip just after getting 200K on the leaderboard). But i had my first 4-digit upvote post last month.
I've gotten out of quarantine as of Saturday. (I actually got out 4 a few days in August, but as soon as a game & dance night was going 2 happen, someone got Covid & i was quarantined until just 6 days ago.) Also i can't do anything fun w/ other ppl unless i get myself up at 5 AM every day, so that sucks.
I'm kinda demotivated w/ all the work tho. Also i've been in way too many arguments on here this month, & often ppl's ideas of reasoning cause despair lol.
I got 2 go 2 youth group last night tho, & that went well.