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339 views 16 upvotes Made by anonymous 4 years ago in The_Think_Tank
2 ups, 4y
A few things. The one that stands out happened with the birth of my second child. They had to perform a caesarian section and the surgeon had just performed the initial cut and separated the skin and tissue with clamps. My baby let out a cry. The surgeon frowned and uttered, "What the hell?" The surgery team looked on and gasped. Fearing the worst, I asked what was wrong? The surgeon explained, with a laugh, that he had not yet cut into the placenta, that there was no oxygen coming into it and that my baby was still breathing via the umbilical cord. "He shouldn't be able to cry until he has another source of oxygen," the surgeon said.

It was obviously very unusual, and not sure if it can be explained. The surgeon was quite mystified.
1 up, 4y
1 up, 4y
A flying bee, it’s wings are too tiny to get it’s fat little body off the ground
0 ups, 4y
Ok, so i saw a lump. It started chasing me. then, we drove off, and i looked behind us, and its gone
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I was at a beach w/ a frnd at the Bahamas. Well we saw this conch shell on a rock and i thought it was very pretty so i went towards it but it started moving. We waited, and nothing came out of it. Then my frnd went over to it, picked turned it over. Then he's like "it's staring at me." and put it down. Then a HUGE ASS CLAW ARM THING came out of it and the freaking shell stood up. It was literally just a huge claw, like a crabs claw but much bigger and slimier and two legs attached. We ran. I searched all over the internet for something like that, but nothing showed up. Im still wondering as 2 wth it was.
1 up, 4y,
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1 up, 4y
hm yeah that's true, but it was just freaky as hell.
0 ups, 4y,
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I survived a truck crash in '03. There's no way I should be alive. My friend crashed my truck into an concrete interstate overpass pylon, with me and my girlfriend in the back crew cab seats. The roof of the truck was smashed down almost even with the truck bed. They had to cut my three friends out. (They didn't make it. 😢 Probably died instantly, as he must've been going about 50mph). They found my body 15 ft. from the wreckage. I have no memory of the impact, yet came to for a few moments when an EMT revived me and put a tube down my throat. I woke up three days later in the hospital. I had both lungs punctured and all my ribs broken. After hospital and at home therapy, I was back at work in 6 weeks. I thank the good Lord Jesus Christ for this miracle, as even the EMT couldn't figure out how I got out of it alive. I suspect possibly angelic assistance.
2 ups, 4y,
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Ive seen angels before. Thank the lord
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Interesting. I've never seen one. My friend said he saw one when he almost died, and it looked like a woman. I've had a Pastor say that in scripture angels only appear as men. What did yours look like?
1 up, 4y,
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It was stormy and my power was out, so me and my family prayed and all that. Next thing you know, out generator outside is clanking and we saw a shadow. I saw the shadows wings. I didn't real see it but I definitely saw wings. I also saw a person and from the area I was looking at, light. White bright light
0 ups, 4y
Wow. That's cool.
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I’ve hallucinated, that’s it
1 up, 4y
Ye same
0 ups, 4y
So either of you havent seen the impossible? Something you can't explain?
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Do you guys believe in the impossible?
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No, I think we define impossible the wrong way, a better way if saying it is 'something we don't really understand'
1 up, 4y
Thats what I mean
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I mean, if you a witness something, it is clearly possible.

People see things they can't explain all the time, or don't understand all the time.

The unexplained is not the impossible.
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0 ups, 4y
Well yeah
0 ups, 4y
I keep waking up seeing a shadow of a man...I can't sleep anymore
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0 ups, 4y
Can you follow my friend here
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When joe got ligma on his updog
0 ups, 4y
my hand freezing up for no reason,

Sunday, March 20 2019, test day, i knew none of the answers, than my hands and legs froze, i tried to run to restore heat...but it felt..slower
0 ups, 4y,
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I always wonder why people can look me in the face and don't die in agony....

One of the most strange stories I've heard which should medically be impossible was the story of a woman who was pregnant of two men at once.

When it comes to personal experiences, none come to mind right away. I do know that my grandmother once had a dream and all she dreamed of was water... water and most of all water. What she could never know, since the story would only be reported on the news the next day, as that this dream took place during the same night as when one of the biggest water disasters that struck the Netherlands in recent history took place. All known as the "De watersnood van 1953" among the Dutch. Was this a coincidence, or did my grandmother have some paranormal powers? She also once dreamed one of her daughters having a moped accident, and she dreamed that the girl was hung upside down in the ambulance. She told her daughter about it, but had to laugh about it as hanging patients upside down was never done... Or at least, that's what she thought... The daughter doing medical training at the time knew better, in some kinds of accidents it *is* possible the patient has to be hung upside down into the ambulance.... My grandmother was known for having dreams that came true, so her daughter (yes, my aunt) immediately sold her moped in fear. Especially for dreaming about something my grandmother didn't believe to be possible, while it was... My grandmother is no longer among us, but these stories about her, always kept with me...
1 up, 4y,
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....interesting....I have something like your grandmother. Also sorry about your grandmother
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My grandmother was past her eighties and had been suffering under bad health and cancer multiple times. She already had accepted her death, as she felt her life fulfilled. She'd be 101 years old now if she were still alive... I'm 45 now and I was a teenager when she died... Still thank you for your concern... It's very much appreciated.

Yeah, these two stories were always mentioned as the most notable examples, but she's said to have had more dreams that came true. I vaguely remember she also dreamed somebody she knew distantly died... The relationship was not close enough to let her know, as well, we all know more people than we are close enough with for these kinds of things. It later appeared when she coincidentally met people close to him, that person did indeed die.

I've heard more people with that kind of gift. I always wonder how it's possible that people dream of things that are really gonna happen of which they can't know about... Science can tell a lot about dreams, like your brain processing things seen before, but it doesn't explain how people can sometimes dream about things they can't know... Spooky.

Now I'm not sure if that gift if a curse or a blessing, though...
0 ups, 4y
Hmmm correction... My grandmother would be 111 years old if she were still alive now... I knew I miscalculated there... Oops...
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My gift, which is both a curse and blessing. I am 14 and a half. (However my mom worries that I act like an adult)
The stuff I see is scary, its not nightmares...its worse. But I can warn people. I understand how you feel. My nana died when I was younger, she died of cancer as well
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That sounds pretty heavy... I'm not sure I envy you.
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I asked a cute girl out and she said yes.
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Actually that never happened.
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0 ups, 4y
never happened to me either, cause i don’t ask people out

*realization* huh
0 ups, 4y
i.. um i cant relate
0 ups, 4y
The vast and seemingly empty yet full NIGHT SKY
0 ups, 4y
i saw this bird on the road, alive and i was walking back home from school, so, this bird just sitting there i walked closer, i saw it had a hurt wing, and it straight up comes towards me, i was advised not to touch, so i did, i walked away apologizing for its damaged wing, and guess what?, the fricking bird stays, and i swear, this bird chirped well enough to me to understand “i am you, you are me, let us soar away in endless time...becoming hero’s” and then i woke up.... AND THE BIRD WAS THERE!

edit: mom moved the bird in but i swear, the bird talked
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mine was when my dad cared about me! awesome right
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Mine just recently stopped caring about me
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Yeah. That and a bunch of other issues. It gives me really frequent and bad panic attacks
0 ups, 4y
i just have bad dreams about my mom
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