That’s what you say it means but separating one race from the others means you are elevating that race above others. That is not equality, but that’s not what you want is it.
You don’t get the bottom half by raising one above the other dipshit. See they are all equal that’s equality. Then you have the audacity to say you are not raising one above the other as you raise one above the others. The Emperor’s new clothes are beautiful. 😂 😂 you and your kind are the ones promoting racial hatred and division, supporting violence in the streets and contempt for law and order. When there is no law and order, the people protect themselves with vigilantes and militias. Their numbers have grown exponentially and you freaks are the recruiting poster.
Your new, so look at the lines on the left to see who is responding to what. Why would I need to calm down? You are projecting your own reaction not mine I am perfectly calm relaxing in the California sun.