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Bangaioh (196281)
Joined 2020-09-12
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tribalism in politics
6 ups, 11mo
I mean look at it even on this site
40 conservatives get along just fine and then a bunch of liberals show up, make absurd statements, disable comments, troll peoples memes, tries to get people banned and then leaves... and then does it all over again ... 365 days a year

Gee, if only there was a way to produce harmony on this site... lol
tribalism in politics
4 ups, 11mo
Righty, righty and another righty :
'hey hows it going?'
' good, you?'
' yeah its fine, praise the lord'
' See you at the gun range'

Lefty enters the room: 'Pay more taxes, , down with the free market, we demand forced diversity, dismantle parts of the constitution, we're defunding your police, give the government more power, we're gonna mess with your kids, we're sending you 30,000 immigrants, pay for what i want, believe what I say, dont question me, support my sinful behavior, you're a racist, you're evil, you're a nazi, adjust your way of life to my climate based hysteria'

Yes you're right. Satan has indeed got involved in dividing us..
because that’s where the real potential for violence is. in politics
2 ups, 11mo
Actually its the best place to go, seeing as its effectively impossible to get arrested and every action is somehow completely justified.

Can go and get a free television and my congressman will claim im just stealing bread to feed my children...or angry at racial inequality or something...
Imagine Feminism Embracing Femininity in politics
1 up, 11mo
Feminism is just looking at the top 1% worst guys in any particular context
then 80% of women arguing that if the men can do it, why shouldn't we

S*xual liberation is a good example. Women on average wh*re themselves out more today than 99% of in the 50s could ever have dreamt of accomplishing....but 1% did, and that became the feminist baseline..
Who's your guess to fill the job the antichrist ? A politician a celebrity a space alien ? in politics
2 ups, 11mo
Apparently the anti-christ is the one who will temporarily bring peace, starting in Israel and its enemies...So I guess the guy in charge of preventing/stopping an all-out war after the 3rd temple has been built is the guy you're looking for.

I don't think anyone known currently fits the character required