trump & mccain had a feud going since at least 2000. I did a quick search and found three trump quotes on mccain: 1)"He's not a war hero," 2)"He's a war hero 'cause he was captured. I like people that weren't captured, OK?" 3)"Perhaps he's a war hero, but right now he's said some very bad things about a lot of people,"
So, trump didn’t/doesn’t like mccain (and vice versa), and said something that wasn’t ‘nice’….
You obviously don’t like trump, and you write/meme things that are mean, false, inflammatory….So… are very much like trump in this regard that when you don’t like someone you can say/write not nice things about them, though your comments are much more extreme and inflammatory than trumps were! So you are like a Super Trump! Since you are so much like trump you can be treated in the same way:
***This just in, according to 6 anonymous sources LadyDeerHeart wears cat fur panties made from ‘rescue cats’, has kicked a puppy while wearing these panties, and uses aborted babies to make skin moisturizer! Please stay tuned for more, according to reports coming there is a pattern to this behavior going back at least for five years!