It's partly the result of a certain member's crazed obsession with her, even threatening to sue memers and the site itself for the supposed ''slandering'' of her via the act of utilizing her image in humorous memes which did not necessarily exalt her sheer magnificance in the most flattering way. A basic, ''You wanna play, then play with this''
That that memer had taken to mocking other memers behind their backs on his own stream and mischaracterizing their comments throughout is what started got the ball tumbling.
Plus this cringey cultish elevation of her - in a fetishizing manner which had nothing to do with her music, no less - was begging to be knocked down a notch or three. The smug arrogance that went with her worship only served to grease up that aspect.
On a site where flame wars are routine, weaponizing images to drive home a point - whether as a bop on the nose or a sock to the groin - is alls fair..., so we see this on this stream.
But it had also taken off as a thing unto itself, ribbing feeding off itself illuminated by a central character.
Kinda like how folks can be Elvis fans yet joke about him and his fandom too, only Kylie is no Elvis.
Or how I utilize G-Man or creepy clowns, only in reverse, as my imagery is inherently mocking yet self-deprecating, while Kylie is used for a veneer of wholesomeness and celebrity wonderfulness but with more insidious motives crawling beneath the faux chipper goodness.
Something like that,,,