I never said he was murdered either, again, quote myself back to me. I don't think he was murdered. I think Chauvin was negligent and overly forceful, and I personally think he is culpable, but it is not for me to decide. I can see an argument for accidental death too that I think is reasonable.
What facts are they?
- "he had enough fentanyl/meth/whatever in his system to kill a man"? that sentence doesn't even make sense. If you take Brock Lesnar (a huge man) Gandhi at the height of his hunger strike (small and fragile man) and Ozzy Osbourne (man who has taken a lot of drugs) it will take vastly different amounts to kill each man. Floyd was both big and was likely a frequent user. Nothing in any video or report suggests the drugs were having an adverse physical effect on him. He was anxious, sure, paranoid, maybe even hallucinating, but he was coherent, and functional until he fell unconscious (and likely died at that moment).
If you've read the autopsy report, like you claim, you'll note the pathologist did not cite drugs as a factor in his death, though he did say that further testing was advised. so where did you get that idea?
Unless you're going to tell me you are a toxicologist or pathologist, I haven't yet heard or read one say the drugs were a factor. The autopsy clearly states "homicide" as manner of death, and includes "neck compression" among the causes of death.
initial release - https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/MNHENNE/2020/06/01/file_attachments/1464238/2020-3700%20Floyd,%20George%20Perry%20Update%206.1.2020.pdf
full report including toxicology results - https://www.hennepin.us/-/media/hennepinus/residents/public-safety/documents/floyd-autopsy-6-3-20.pdf