you know the one comment here that is EXACTLY correct is from HeresYourSign
he said
"It is a republic, and a republic only. It is not a democracy at all. People vote in both republics and democracies and there's no king in either case.
A republic is a representative form of government, and that is exactly what we have (even with the presidency because of the electoral college).
Democracy is direct majority (mob) rule without representatives. "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner." Hence the problem with mob (majority) rule, and why the founding fathers rejected it."
So no we ARE NOT both
America is a Republic.
When asked what they gave us, Ben Franklin said "A Republic.. if you can keep it"
Imply that the USA is also Democracy is lunacy and you may well vote for Joe Biden because Communism is what you will end up with.
Learn some shit FFS