•Trump's Sister – family feud, bad blood, and she writes a book for money
•Roger Stone – you really are using this as an example, his trial had a crooked judge and a
forewoman who should have never been on the jury, who lied about what she knew, who she knew,
and what she believed !
•You then list 5 ‘newsfrombarbaria.blogspots’ – you’re listing a leftist blog spot as collaboration?
Hahahahah !
Trump spied on – verified
Steele dossier – proven all lies and bs
Russian collusion - proven all lies and bs
Schiff has proof - proven he lied his ass off
Benghazi - proven was a terrorist action not in response to video
Hillary - destroyed subpoenaed hard drives
Hillary - uranium one deal
Nadler - stated the riots and looting are a myth
MSM - mostly peaceful protests
YOU: "If You're Not Cheating, You're Not Trying Your Hardest To Win" – google’d this and found imgflip, from barbaria, silverships (nfl), and pasonbothhouses blog spot…..who are you crediting this quote to????