You have just demonstrated that the 'soul' is referred to in the Bible, thanks, but I already knew that.
Fairies are referred to in many books, their characteristics and behavior are described, there are eyewitness accounts. Do you believe in fairies?
Similarly, there are detailed accounts of dragons, what they look like, how they behave, where they live. Dragons are reptiles, a kind of animal, animals are demonstrably real. Komodo dragons exist, backing up the existence of huge fire-breathing dragons. There are many written accounts of them.
Unlike 'souls', dragons can be depicted.
Dragons have been spoken about in stories all around the world for thousands of years by many different cultures that had no contact, how would that be possible if the stories weren't true.
"The oldest recognizable image of a "modern-style" western dragon appears in a hand-painted illustration from the bestiary MS Harley 3244, which was produced in around 1260. This dragon has two sets of wings and its tail is longer than most modern depictions of dragons, but it clearly displays many of the same distinctive features."
Cultures in different parts of the world recorded evidence of them in art.
In Gambia and other parts of West Africa, the Ninki Nanka (sometimes translated as "Dragon Devil") is believed to live in swampy areas.
The Wawel Dragon, a.k.a. the Dragon of Wawel Hill, terrorized ancient Kraków, Poland. He inhabited Smocza Jama (“dragon’s den”), a limestone river cave on the banks of the Vistula, which flows below the hill where Wawel Castle sits.
In the Mapuche and Chilote cultures of Chile, a shapeshifting dragon called the Peuchen is widely feared and revered. The Peuchen takes the form of a huge flying snake most of the time, but can camouflage itself to look like other creatures while trying to suck the blood of various animals (generally sheep). This dragon makes high-pierced whistling sounds and can paralyze its victims with its gaze."
Do you believe in dragons? If not, please explain your reasoning.