Yeah he definitely needs to get his ego in check. Take the covfefe thing awhile back. It's pretty obvious he just made a spelling mistake, but he had to make it worse for himself by lying about it and saying it was some major ploy. I'm not saying he lies about every single thing like some in the PoliticsTOO crowd would suggest, but he has lied about dumb trivial stuff that bruises his ego that I just roll my eyes at.
The way I see Afghanistan, it made sense to get in there only to hunt down Osama Bin Laden. As soon as we killed Bin Laden, we should have pulled out immediately. We've seen how well invading Afghanistan goes when the USSR did their invasion in the 80's. One thing I hear from the warhawks is that if the US pulls out from Afghanistan, Russia or China will pull in. I say if they're foolish enough to go in, let them. Putin and Xi Jinping have had the same opportunity we have to see how well both the 80's USSR invasion and the current US occupation have gone. Putin was in the KGB during the USSR invasion, I imagine he would have known details about it that you or I wouldn't have had access to, not to mention he's floated between President and Prime Minister of Russia since 1999. Xi would also have had some knowledge about the invasions of Afghanistan and how much trouble it actually is. I don't think Putin would be foolhardy enough to commit fully to an invasion; however, I think Xi would think it's worth the risk due to China wanting to recreate the Silk Road. Now that I think about it, that's probably one of the reasons why we're still in Afghanistan, to block Chinese expansion. I still think we should pull out though.
UBI doesn't seem doable right now, I agree. However, as automation continues to take more and more jobs, I think the conversation surrounding UBI should be had, even if it's decided it will never be doable. We do need a better way of taking care of people who can't find work through no fault of their own, especially if automation keeps replacing people. As for weed, I don't smoke it myself, but I believe what you want to do with your body is your choice. We know cigarettes are horrible for people, but they are still legal, despite more restrictions being placed on them. Same with alcohol, fast food, and basically anything if taken in excess. That doesn't mean they should be banned however, and you definitely shouldn't go to jail for consuming them, that's just ridiculous in my book. Anyway there's my rambling on that.