Well, I meant to write unquestionable but it seems my autocorrect doesn't know that unquestionable is a word and I didn't catch the change.
I do not regard voters as part of the Republican Party. When I say a group's party, I'm specifically targeting elected officials. And while the Republican Party try to appear united, they seem at a loss on how to move forward on their issues since a great deal of the stances that Pro-Trump Republicans take are borderline liberal in nature.
Their method of tax relief only to the upper class and sparse with the middle class is still a form of trickle down economics which, according to the statistics, doesn't work. Even Reagan and Bush Sr. understood this. The Republicans re-instituted it to benefit from out temporary surplus before we plummeted into a war or two, or three. That combined with outrageous spending and key de-regulation caused the 2008 recession which we started to show some signs of recovery until this year. And while Trump's economic policy's haven't pushed us completely back over the brink to Bush era, our spending has only increased; not lessened as the Republicans stressed for over eight years. And when they were all in the car with a Republican driver, they did nothing to curve that spending but increased it.
I would consider a person who defends Trump a bootlicker as the key to Trump's Presidency isn't about him actually leading the people but doing everything to make him happy. To me, his happiness is meaningless if it is at the expense of the American's health and economy.
I get it, politically speaking, Trump is not the worst President in the history of the US. Normally his personality and general demeanor would be regarded as a footnote in terms of how he qualifies for office. And while he is certainly entertaining for both extremes, hate him or love him, I think the people who care less about him are sick of him. He's had too much exposure and is utterly incapable of not seeking attention. And this crisis we're in highlights his shortcomings as a leader as he is incapable of following the daily information pouring in, consuming it, and regurgitating in a coherent manner.
He just doesn't understand why his numbers are down. That's all he cares about.
That doesn't mean he is certain to lose come November. In fact, I fully expect him to win.