the opportunity is set up for all people. this is a public forum set by IMGFLIP. everyone is allowed to express their ideas, as it should be. doesn't mean we agree with your arguement. regardless of how you feel, many will disagree in some way. if your not getting results here, it is because people on this forum do not like your ideas. i dont receive praise by conservatives, liberals, or libertarians here on many of my memes because we dont all agree on ideas. conservatives agree on some ideas and agree on problems but vary on solutions. if i do receive praise from people its because we came to the agreement of what i stated. hell some conservatives wont like my meme even though we agree because did not like how i said it, such as using offensive language.
1) liberal ideas tend to fail in public forums because the ideas proposed can be argued out faster on a debate setting than a conservative or libertarian idea. trust me, I've been in these settings, of course people are prepared. it doesn't mean you dont have an arguement but you dont make a strong enough case. i understand liberal positions and know cases that would help your argument, but i still wouldnt agree on todays Democrat platform...heck even some Republican platforms. new DNC way of life seems contradictory and just seems hate based, and without good solutions or solutions period, depending on the arguement.
2) most left memes don't argue anything. they are either a "orange man bad" meme or bring up things that when followed to their logical conclusion are dumb. if they do make a statement without trying to bash president covfefe, i will look at their solutions or see why they made the statement. most times its echoed rhetoric from some Liberal outlet. yes i have listen to these, started to in 2012, just to understand the liberal position, but most times its just bashing the right without a supportive base.
3) some people troll to troll welcome to the internet. some troll to weed out bots or the younger crowd that echo their parents political opinions. trust me, i play the devils advocate at home and challenge my kids on politics and other topics to make sure they are understanding their arguement and form their own opinion. my kids aren't allowed to go online to talk politics or religion yet. not til they're more prepared to take on people like my best friend, who is hardcore liberal.
you are not being shadow banned like Twitter does, you just dont have enough support for your ideas.