I’m well aware that many sites have tried to replicate Twitter and Facebook’s success and have ultimately failed. Before Covid-19, I begrudgingly use Facebook primarily as an online address book. I still don’t even really use Twitter. In fact, I wouldn’t have an account if Trump had not posted a majority of his daily messages there.
Something he should probably consider if he does move to another platform. After all, he is a rather popular President, or at the very least, infamous. He won’t, of course, he is too petty and would think doing something like that would make him look weak.
Other social media sites have been hit with alt-right posts as well, and their solution was to ban such members who make those comments. I don’t understand why it might be so difficult to curtail such criticism unless a majority of its members and comments really are alt-right in nature.
I think the real problem is why the President feels the need to lie, or wildly exaggerate, and if he cannot adapt and conduct himself within a manner that restrains him from making unproven claims, spreading false rumors, and instigating violence; -or without introducing liberal legislation to protect him from censorship. I think it needs to be accepted that it is his personal failure, rather than Twitter’s, in being unable to do that.
After all, if there is one thing I can get a Trump Supporter to begrudgingly admit, it’s that what he says gets him into trouble more often than not.
Personally, I think him getting banned from Twitter would only make him more popular. And I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s actively trying to get banned.