Yeah, I know it's old news. Part of the sarcasm.
In the unlikely event Trump wins again in November, I'm confident in making the prediction that it won't be because black Democrats #WalkedAway. It will be because of something unforeseen or perhaps something all too easy to foresee: a Covid-19 wave depresses turnout and not enough states got mail-in voting up and running.
But to go back to the meme and specifically the meme title: Yes! This is systemic racism. I'd file this under the "unconscious bias" heading specifically.
Democrats aren't exempt from systemic racism, and the fact that there is evidence some Democrats including the VP to the first African-American president still have traces of it despite being the overall more racially-sensitive party just goes to show how pervasive it is.
Systemic racism: An actual thing that's really real rather than just a political accusation hurled at Republicans?
It's possible!