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Disagree all you want. At least have some facts at your disposal.

Disagree all you want. At least have some facts at your disposal. | /POLITICS; HERE'S A BUNCH OF PEOPLE WHO NEED TO GOOGLE
636 views 5 upvotes Made by EGOS 4 years ago in politics
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3 ups, 4y,
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Oh not you again. Go shout down somebody else. Hiding your head in the sand doesn't make the World's problems go away.

Or maybe I'll just sit back and let you tell me what I said like the last exchange we had. You know me better than myself so I'm listening!
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1 up, 4y
Hey, credit where it's due. That post was kind and sensible. Maybe we can be friends after all.
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And thanks for this post. It did inspire me to tell you that I'm fighting you because I am looking at things in ways I never would have a decade ago.

I fully admit I was getting frustrated with you but meeting you half way like this is nice for a change.
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Which I have.. Did you not read?
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It's mostly to create a discussion, hopefully constructive that can enrich us both and possibly inform anybody who cares to pop in and read about our thoughts. However I've been teetering on just ignoring you completely because at one moment you're being constructive and the next you're shutting down the discourse with denialist tactics.
1 up, 4y
Use Duck Duck Go then for Chrissakes!
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OK, I don't want to take the time to go through this point by point. I used to be on your side of the aisle. Staunch Rep.
Fox News viewer. Fan of Rush Limbaugh, O'Reilley and many others.
I was programmed to reject mainstream news and to criticize liberal agendas for things they didn't necessarily stand for. I saw a party I loved in the Republicans turn unfortunately anti-science.
Later I became interested in skepticism. Not denialism but scientific critical thinking.
I learned the value of experts and the value of consensus. One person's editorial isn't a hill of beans when you have numerous studies, scientific papers and hard evidence countering it.

Currently I dislike both major parties because they both stand for big government, statism, authoritarianism to differing degrees.

Also to clarify I'm not saying mainstream media is without bias. Bias is human and all outlets will display it.

Why the history lesson? I see you putting forward some of the empty beliefs I used to.hold. They are often only corroborated by people who haven't the skill nor expertise to come to the conclusions they do. You will likely think I'm falling for a narrative. But having been deep in both sides I can tell you the manufactured narrative is from the right. It's developed to sow paranoia and distrust of sources which should be recognized for their rigor and efforts to eliminate bias.

So I don't mind if you disagree. I just see you pulling your "facts" from suspect sources.

I have no doubt you think the same of me.
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And seriously this guy calls me a Leftist and racist at every opportunity. Yet I'm presumptous?
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He's a shill, a troll, and very likely the site's biggest liar.

Just look at his memes. He'll quote Jefferson and then proceed to miscontrue it to the point ithat it would make Big Brother cry overkill.

He projects to a level that AMC Theaters worry will put them out of business.

He's a goosestepping Brownshirt that doesn't consider himself to be racist because from his twisted perspective he's only telling the truth.

He's a Right Wing jingoistic patriotic American from CA. Not CA as in California as he pretends, but CA as in Canada, nothern Alberta, to be exact.

I say the site's biggest liar because unlike the rest of the windup circus monkees from the Cult of Trump here, he can copypaste the right Founding Father's material, yet mangles it from there and by intention.
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Anyway I keep engaging him because if you hand somebody enough rope they just might hang themselves for all to see. I have my bias as I'm directly involved in the conversation but I have an inkling that most rational people who happen upon the proceedings will see the disconnect in his arguments. Anyway, party on! Have a great weekend!
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He won't, or rather, even if hung, he'll keep swinging to and fro in the air because being an irritant is his greatest and only ambition.

He'll try to bait you so he can trap you in one of his meandering pedantic fluff mazes to nowhere.
But he's also highly sensitive, like his Orange God. Nothing irritates him more than throwing his own go-tos back in his lap.
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Oh, and his sole goal in interacting with you is to hammer you till you leave the site.
Soon his sycophants will come and join in because attacking as a group of cowardly shadow lickers enthralled by a big mouth Trumpite is all they can do.
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The irony is this very meme was inspired by his tactics. And I'm posting much more often in politics because of the back and forth. So quite the opposite effect. I'm putting it out there.
1 up, 4y
And they all say it like it was - dare say I - scripted,,,

Well that's good, knock em in the teeth.
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Ever hear of the Gish gallop? He employs that masterfully. A deluge of too many half-baked things to counter with a considered and thoughtful reply. So the burden of all the work is on you because copy and paste of the party line was easy for him. Then he declares victory when you throw in the towel because you just don't have enough time in your lifetime.
2 ups, 4y
HAA, you got it.
And when you try to redirect him back to topic he just doubles down on the stuffing.

A favorite tactic of his is playing grammar nazi. Never saw anyone type so much for a single letter.
1 up, 4y
Presumptuous. Sigh. I need to proof before I post.
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And this is why I can't argue with you. You're a denialist through and through. You even call me a blatant liar about my own past.

So instead of arguing I'd like to know how's your day been? I don't think you're a bad person.
(deleted and edited for a blatant typo)
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Cool. But now I don't care because you're just being a dick about my own past.

Denialists are the most pompous of people. You believe you know better than people who have devoted their lives to disciplines in which you know only enough to be unaware of how little you don't know. Dunning Krueger effect. You exemplify it.

Think of something you're an expert in and recall when somebody made a comment with the confidence of authority but you knew them to be wrong. Realize that you're that person in every field that isn't your one of a handful of expertises you are steeped in.

In all of the tens of thousands of other disciplines you're that dumbass. I'm not singling you out, this applies to everybody. So defer to people who know the business when you don't. That's why I hire an auto mechanic and a plumber and a carpenter when I need them but I can modify and fix my own PCs and networking all day long.
0 ups, 4y
Another way:
I have the expertise and life/job experience to call bullshit on Geek Squad when they're wrong.
I have no legitimate expertise or knowledge to call bullshit on physicists, climate scientists and physicians unless there is a majority of their fellow physicists et al. who call bullshit on them for me and additionally show their work.

That's how consensus works and that's why it's vital to achieving any kind of useful knowledge in a complex technological society. It will not ALWAYS steer you right but that's why you keep looking and change your mind if somebody produces better, more rigorous science and shows their work.

I don't care what you think about this concept but hopefully somebody out there might come across this and it'll cause them to think. That's so much better than being incalcitrant .
0 ups, 4y
Oh, I forgot to mention the left has a narrative engine too. I'm not going to deny that. But having been on both sides the left seems more likely to side with scientific rigor. But yeah, they're full of shit sometimes too.
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Read the f**king title.
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Systemic racism. The new leftist buzz word but I doubt they knows what it means. They throw it out there like it's candy. We understand racism but the key is systemic. What is a system? How are systems formed? Who, how, why, when, and what creates and controls the system? Libs use it as some unseen boogieman that is everywhere. That's not a system. Until you understand system(ic), you can't understand systemic racism.
1 up, 4y
So this 'they' collective collectively use a term but none of them know what it means. That is so astounding. And you ought to know because you are, as everyone knows, a minority.

Was wondering who this ''we'' was, cuz they sound really swell.
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Speaking as to how they formed it's why the argument that no white person in America alive today owned slaves isn't a sound one. Our country was born on those roots of slavery and our institutions have only in about the last century moved away from overt oppression. It's way too early to say "mission accomplished" when it comes to racism because the knock-on effects are still with us when you look at the complexion of ghettos and the complexion of fortune 500 CEOs.
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And ''racist against whites,'' which he knows about because as he says every 3rd comment he makes, he's a minority and EGADS! a Conservative. Total kryptonite to those not part his ''we''
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I'm aware the arguments are often wasted on these folk. But I'm more concerned with others who might take the time to consider the arguments on both sides and come out learning something.
2 ups, 4y,
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Go on my friend!
1 up, 4y
I like your style. Followed!
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