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2 ups, 4y,
3 replies
Any time Trump wants to delete his Twitter account and walk away, he is free to do that.
3 ups, 4y,
1 reply
How would his fans know what he's thinking about at 3am while he's using the bathroom though?
3 ups, 4y,
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3 ups, 4y,
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I think he'd find the periods in between recording difficult, where would he impulsively blurt his half-baked ideas and opinions? I suppose he could capture them on something and save them up for a podcast recording, then they could be played back to back, like a problematic, incoherent stream of consciousness. I think his fans would find that familiar and reassuring.
3 ups, 4y,
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I don't think anyone would notice any difference. If you read his tweets really carefully, you can tell which parts are him struggling while on the can as it is.
3 ups, 4y,
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Hah! Right? Imagine the difference the introduction of some fiber to his diet could make to American lives.
3 ups, 4y,
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"Sir, we're putting you on a new diet - from now on, you're only eating food you can spell."

Ah, we can dream.
3 ups, 4y,
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So no coffee, then...
3 ups, 4y
Exactly. No hamburgers. Salads because he's good at word salads, but most dressings will be off the table so to speak.
1 up, 4y,
1 reply
So you want to express your opinion but are ok with censoring the most powerful man on the planet, you need professional help.
3 ups, 4y,
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He can release press statements whenever he wants. He's the President. Twitter is allowed to set rules on how to use their service. Twitter didn't even cut anything, they just added a link to some actual facts on what he was talking about - that's not even censorship, for Christ's sakes! Add that to the list of words you don't know the meaning of.
1 up, 4y,
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You know nothing about Christ, you have credibility problems going so far back I lost count. Additionally you miss the obvious, there is no difference between twitter refusing service to conservatives and a baker refusing to make a cake for a homosexual wedding.
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
See, again - they didn't refuse service, did they? They posted his f**king tweet. They just added a link - that you are free to ignore - to get people informed. THAT IS NOT REFUSING SERVICE.


Show me a baker who baked the cake but left behind a note saying "for more information about what God said on homosexuality, click here".
1 up, 4y,
2 replies
You are wrong but that is normal for you, twitter has a long history of banning conservatives. You insist on false equivalency arguments because you have not developed the ability to look past CNN talking points, you will get there, it just takes time.

The truth is no social media should give themselves the ability to impact any countries election process. I know that I would support the arrest of the board of directors of these companies.

I have never censored you and I can not remember a single issue we have ever agreed on. To be honest, I like your visits because they cause me to take the time to explain why I believe what I do. I am not you friend but I am also not your enemy. A quick google search will show you why twitter is due a government smack down.
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
They didn't ban him. Quit playing victim. Niether of yous are victims. They're adding context to his ramblings.
0 ups, 4y,
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The meme is about twitter censoring conservatives not Trump
1 up, 4y,
3 replies
Still playing victim. Boo hoo, a private company
1 up, 4y,
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A private company who as a publisher is exempt from certain laws. They also received government money to build infrastructure. I hope this pushes Trump to bring the hammer down.
1 up, 4y
You can't use common sense or facts when you discuss current events with a liberal, most will not even admit they are liberals. The TDS is bad on this thread but I enjoyed your responses.
1 up, 4y
trumps the one who turned it into a f**kin propaganda weapon, bullying, unsubstantiated claims, misinformation. C'mon man, he spews shit all day n night, angry tirades, tweet storms. Shut that fat f**k up
0 ups, 4y,
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So is a bakery, the same rules applies, serve everyone or no one. Try again snowflake.
1 up, 4y
So it's okay to spread misinformation for you half wits and trump to dig up a 20 yr old death and accuse? Cool cool cool.
0 ups, 4y
Then shut up the other 85% that does the same.

Twitter shouldn't be taking political sides. Feel free not to follow him. Like I said, as a publisher, twitter gets certain benefits, like not being open for litigation in certain regards. Strip that away and they have a better case.
1 up, 4y,
2 replies
No, it is pretty clear that you're working against my interests. If you had your way, I and a lot of other people would be worse off. You're definitely an enemy of sorts.

But all Trump has to do is delete his Twitter account and take his nonsense to a platform where the rules are more to his liking. There are so many. He chose Twitter. And they. Have. Been. MORE. Friendly. To him. Than they EVER had any obligation to be.
1 up, 4y
Lol, get over yourself, I do not post comments to your memes, you come to me, how is that working against your interests? I hope you like being you, I don't want you to change especially to suit me.
0 ups, 4y,
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Yeah, they do have an obligation to be fair. Don't expect a leftist to get that tho.
0 ups, 4y
And yet I can somehow get that.
1 up, 4y,
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Same goes for you and every insane TDS retard hanging out in politicsTOO.
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1 up, 4y,
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Thanks for proving me correct in record time, Derp.
Now go ahead and post another reply, because you retards always have to get the last word.
Go ahead. You can't help it, just like you cannot help your triggered TDS spasms.
Y'all pathetic. Predictable and pathetic. Enjoy the TRUMP landslide Nov 3rd.
2 ups, 4y,
1 reply
He said, after having the last word and running away...
2 ups, 4y
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Yet Trump can say untrue facts on his Twitter feed. Remember his tweet about tariffs during the trade war? He said that if the trade war does not end, other countries will pay the U.S vast sums of money in the form of tariffs.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
You have no clue what information Trump sees that the American people will never see nor do you know the details of our national trade bills. Your childish TDS is all on you. Run for President and save the world.
0 ups, 4y,
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You still do not seem to acknowledge the fact that that tweet is false. Tariffs are taxes that importers here pay, not other country. So that rules out Trump wanting to lower taxes. And no, I could not run for President.
0 ups, 4y,
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This meme is not about any tweet and never was. I don't read tweets nor expect to know what someone was thinking when they typed one. You are the one giving yourself the power to judge the most powerful man on the planet on a single act.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Nah, not really. I do not really care if Trump gives false information so long as people do not believe that false information. Also, Trump is not the most powerful man on the planet. Further, I do not judge him on a single act, but rather on multiple acts over his presidency.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
Progress, you missed how I twisted what you typed to justify my assessment of your intentions but I think you will see it on reflection.

Trump has the power to destroy humanity that makes him powerful to me. He can also crush the worlds economy, order all his enemies tossed into ovens or make himself king. He is not that kind of man no matter how horrible the global fake news organizations make him out to be.

The hard truth is if both main political parties had worked together and with him instead of wasting years attacking and disrupting him our nation would be in a better place.

Your anger is justified but misdirected.
1 up, 4y,
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I do not like Trump, but you are right. Trump would not and has not thrown his enemies in a gulag like Kim Jong-Un has. But he has faults that most people either dismiss or wrongly justify.

I never judge people based on their skin color, whether it be white or black or even orange. I do not judge people based on their weight, height, age, or sex. I judge on people's actions. Seems to me I have two alleged sexual assault perpetrators and been in many less-than-normal photos as candidate.

Your statement is correct and true. If both political parties were to help and cooperate with the President, our nation would be a better place. But before this can ever happen both our President and our political parties need to address their faults and advantageous view points.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
So we have achieved common ground, good. I defend President Trump because he is the underdog, people in both parties, the media and public attack him without mercy or even realizing that they want to hold him to an impossible standard and one they themselves could not ever meet. OTOH, I am critical of Congress because they are the real power brokers, they control our money and make unjust laws designed to keep them and their entire den of thieves in power.

Trump is a flawed man but even a flawed man should get respect when something goes right and works as designed. I have yet to see that happen, Trump could cure blindness and death on the same day and people would attack him for it.

For all his flaws, his economy before Covid was working, his make America strong again stance also worked, his getting control over hard issues like immigration, propaganda vs news, minority unemployment and others were mostly improvements, all he got for all that trouble was attacked. We the people never held Obama or any other President to the same standards and we as a nation should be ashamed.

Now we are faced with two elderly men to choose from. Both are demonic if you believe the media. If you watch and listen and compare between them, it comes down to trust. One has been on the job for his entire adult life and accomplished nothing and was in power during the most brutal attempted power grab in my lifetime, the other for just over 3 years faced off against powerful enemies and still managed to improve a few things.

To me the easy answer is vote to re-elect Trump and that is what I will do. You should vote for your choice.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
I am glad we have reached common ground. As for voting, I cannot. Just a kid.

Congressmen and women are TOTAL idiots. Actually why Obama could not get some things done. Congress, mostly Republican at the time, disliked him because of his party and skin and thus shot down most of his bills.

I always criticize only if criticism is needed. I give Trump credit for the banning of bump stocks and not throwing his critics into jails. I do not support his immigration laws and his rallies where he accuses them of stealing our jobs, because that is not true.

You should always go with your gut instinct when it comes to important decision if backed by reasonable facts and evidence from credible sources.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
There are a few things wrong with your assessments but it does show you are more than just a kid, you are watching, learning and free thinking, all of that is rare.

Democrats had control of all three houses for a while under Obama, they used it to enrich themselves more than make any real changes. That one is on them, they could have served the people that elected them and failed.

The immigration laws did not change under Trump, he just allowed them to be followed as written, the office of the President does not make the laws. I was stationed in Arizona and saw first hand why the laws were needed, had they always been enforced crime would be much lower. Just know that walking across an unsecured border leads to extreme crimes and leave it there. You really do not want to know the price young girls pay to get across the border, if they make it. Immigration is something all governments control to some degree or another, illegal immigration is something they all fight. The stealing of jobs is mostly political banter as is the more common lie of they are doing jobs Americans will not do. Put simply, controlling who gets into your house and why is necessary. The real problem amounts to this, given a chance at to enter a country that pays you to do so encourages more to come. We are a small percentage of the planet and can not afford to house the billions that would come if they could. Controls have to be set and make sense.

Bump stocks are an example of making a problem to solve one, the ability to shoot faster doesn't make a weapon more dangerous but the opposite is true, aiming is much more effective when slowed down (I am a combat vet). The faster you fire the less chance you have of hitting your target, unless you are well trained. I have never used a bump stock but they looked like toys to me and I would not want one. Generally both sides of the gun control debate have great talking points but little else in common. Criminals would still kill people even if guns magically disappeared and if they did disappear people would build more. Now that people can build all the guns they want at home, attempting to control them is a wasted effort. Addressing the reasons people seek out a life of crime is where the real effort should be spent, the hundred million armed Americans have not committed any crimes and probably never will. Legal gun owners should not be held responsible for criminals.
0 ups, 4y
Ah yes, you told me on a different meme that I commented on. You were stationed in Arizona, correct? Told me about the rape trees you saw while on duty and thus supported the border wall.

I gave Trump credit from banning bump stocks, and gun owners should not be associated with criminals. That is commonly known as stereotyping, so you are right about that. Bump stocks are generally used in shootings that do not require accuracy so much as fast fire rate, such as into a crowd of people (in rare cases).

I really just do not like how Trump makes the immigrants seems like a problem. There should be controls, no doubt about that. We can't take every person in on a whim. We would get overflowed. But Trump seems to ignore the quote on the plaque on the Statue of Liberty: "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Immigrants do take jobs. They are people who need employment. But Trump seems to think that they are the main source of job loss, but automation is the far more significant factor in job loss.

People who watch, learn, and think freely aren't necessarily as rare as you might think. I know that you possess these qualities like many others. You were also willing to respond to a kid who disagrees. That shows in you.
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