It's obvious that this is a political football that Pelosi, Govs. Wolf, Coumo and others want to keep going to KILL THE ECONOMY to hurt Trump.
All while not giving a shit about what families go broke, who commits suicide, and all the other problems that go w/ govt. mandated isolation.
It's scary how many f**king sheep that are willing to give away their freedom and rights for an OVERBLOWN crisis... you think those bureaucrats in govt. aren't taking notice at how easy it is to shutdown this country? Next time it could be... everyone shelter in place, the govt. will ration and deliver food and btw, turn your guns in to the nice men coming to your door, just so the govt. can check them, after they are checked they will decide if and when you receive your guns back. --- the sheep (liberal/progressives) will be like ... "how come you people don't listen? The nice men from the govt. said they just want to check your guns." 😕😕😕