The last election had the corporate democrats put up the one person that a vast majority of America did not trust or like. I only voted for her because I was not blind to the shit show a Trump presidency would bring. What are the Corporate dems doing again? Putting up another lackluster candidate because its the safe choice (for corporations)
Now go back through history (start with Nixon, but Reagan will be far enough) and look at how the group you want us to be nice to went from fiscal and family conservatives to a death cult that only offers hate and fear. You do not win back those voters, you have to humiliate them, make them realize how badly they have been duped. They will never publicly admit it (fear), but once it is no longer acceptable to be a raging prick that wants basically warlord system of government (do as I say because I am armed and you are not!) then they will slink off into more socially acceptable groups.
And for the record, I don't hate them. I hate what they stand for. Want to joke around and be nice to each other? I upvote funny nonpolitical memes of the very people I am on the polar opposite side of politics of. I don't take their posting here personally, I am just sadden that they are so f**king predictable in their hypocrisy.