Yeah, that too has added to it. But basically you get to know people, and eventually even the annoying ones seem kinda alright.
Frig, I already forgot what he went zonkers about, but he really got triggered.
Sure, but that doesn't earn him a pass nor means I should talcum his soft bottom lest I get him itchy.
It's like I can disagree with you because you got balls, you don't get butthurt about stupid shit.
But sadly most of these gun totin' defendurrs of tha faith are big crybababies who need to attach themselves to something bigger than themselves to cover for their weaknesses, fragile egos, and fundamental lack of a definable personality.
Worst part is I start feeling sorry for them, so refrain from saying whatever cuz I don't wanna hurt their feelz. Then they just start acting up, little children with no proper parenting to reel them in.
hahaha, I just Googled for the lyrics, and she turned up. Different gifs, but the rest were too small rez wise.