You are ignoring it by supporting and defending Trump. In my world when you have doubts about a person logic dictates to move away and not associate with such a person.
As in Trumps case? He has reeked of shit his whole adult life. He lies pathologically and invented his own personal narcissism
Did Trump rape anyone? I don't know and I have never stated anyone is guilty of something without factual proof.
But there is currently way more circumstantial evidence of Trumps possible guilt compared Biden.
Trump Cult members are in fact denying Trumps past, and present and that makes them guilty of supporting everything he has factually done and "possibly " done.
Take the photos of Epstien for example.
Correct they do not prove Trump Guilty of anything. But when you toss them on top of what Trump has FACTUALLY done and said it creates smoke
And where there is smoke?? their tends to be fire.
As for The dipshit Biden?
I have yet to see a single photograph of him where a woman is pushing away or angry
There is nothing creepy in any photo I've seen of Biden
Where we have Trump talking about grabbing pussies and wanting to date his own kid talking about her sexually plus the photos of Trump touching her in the wrong spots and kissing wayyyyyy to close the mouth
Trump has lost around 38 lawsuits, How many has Biden lost?
Trump has been accused more than Biden and Bidens are like Fords accusation. Came out of the blue from a woman who didn't report it 27 years
Trumpers want to believe it because they fear Biden winning. If not they would be focusing on it so much being the pathetic hypocrites they are.
That is a much better definition of derangement syndrome than just not liking someone
I have no convicted of Trump of Rapes.
I Convicted him a long time ago for being a raging narcissist, pathological lying, Serial adulterer and business con. Because the facts support it 100%
And now The U.S Code on Treason convicted him when he Defended Putin against American intelligence.. So F**k that piece of shit
And f**k all politicians and other Fake Patriots who cherry pick the constitution.