Effing ignorant.
You clearly have absolutely no idea of what the Nazis were were capable of, and what they did.
When you diminish evil with an ignorant meme like this, you trivialize what those who suffered at the hands of the Nazis went through. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Here's an abridged list with just a few of the things Hitler did early on. If you can find one thing Trump has done that is the same as any of these, then I'll apologize for calling you effing ignorant.
I'm not worried.
Less than a year after becoming Chancellor, Hitler outlawed all political parties except National Socialist. He controlled all means of production through the government, including the use of slave labor. I guess the Socialist part of National Socialism is wasted on you?
He killed the mentally & physically challenged in the name of eugenics.
He used the local police and the SA / SS to round up many thousands of communists, gays Jehovah's Witnesses, and anyone else who might oppose the Nazis. He sent them to concentration camps, like Dachau, at least the ones he didn't execute.
He burned books that supported ideologies with which he "disagreed."
He burned down the Reichstag, which was the German equivalent to the US Congress. I guess Trump merely forgot to do that, right? Poor dumb Trump, can't even burn down a building.
Have you heard of the "Night of the Long Knives?" Hitler used the SS and Gestapo to purge his political and military opposition, thus consolidating his power. Hanging by piano wire was the most common method used, along with simple execution by firearm.
Have you heard of the "Night of broken glass?" Hitler destroyed synagogues, rounded up, tortured and killed Jews, and ransacked their homes.
And all this was long before he even started his "final solution" which was on such a scale that for you to compare Trump to Hitler is nothing short of absolute, complete, utter ignorance on your part.