Thing is it hinges on the defintion of "men," which, of course, is a matter of perspective.
For Jefferson, in keeping with the culture and the times, this meant Protestant British, German or Scandinavian mean of means.
A tad short on a traditional aristrocratic class while swamped with men of the lowest of the lower classes (convicts and their descendents with a smattering of religious refugees) freshly versed in the fine art of overthrowing their overlords, Jefferson & Co were in a bit of a quandry. Getting kicked back to England (where charges of treason would gleefully greet them prior to their hanging) or killed wasn't exactly high on their itinerary, so should 'rights' be extended to men of in the nether wrungs of the heirarchy?
In a land where property ownership was a mere dead Native American away, amassing swaths of it and potential fortune were realistic possiblities. But were the traditional stations of these men a product of being broken by perpetual circumstance of the lack of opportunity variety, was sloth and a lack of ambition a consequence of their culture, or was it in their blood - an aspect of their lesser breeding? Was remaining low brow offal to always be their station?
Not eager for Revolution Pt II and looking to appease rural States with a higher proportion of human swill to landed gentry than the more prosperous States of manufacture & trade in the north, the Electoral College was a compromise to ease the fear of an imbalance of influence in a federated union and to prevent the lowly bred ignorant masses from selecting a President who would appeal to their more base instincts as opposed to reason. Charlatans of the stage whose celebrity was based on absolutely nothing worthier than the talents of performing circus baboons in clownpaint was not what they had in mind.
So thus equality was extended to those of unfavorable stock. This of course was not to include Catholics, Jews, Eastern & Southern Europeans, those of the Near East, Mohamadians, Hindus, Chinese, and of course, Africans, and last and most certainly least, American Indians. Like women and children, these were chattle, decreed by the Founders to be blessed by God to be under the stewardship of men to whom they were not equal to...
yadda yadda my tablet lost part, I'm tired and this will have to do.
Excuse my typos.