I believe they were responding to a public health policy proposal from the Committee headed by Vice-President Pence. They weren't forced. But, they did the right thing, as they do most of the time. I spent 35-years in health care management and related fields. I am a proponent of private health insurance for most people. The biggest mistake they made was overuse of co-pays. In systems like Kaiser, they were used to make people think twice about overuse, by requiring a small fee for some "free," services. But, they were expanded to offset increases in premiums for third party providers (employers). So, instead of small, almost undetectible increases in premiums for insured people, they introduced and increased co-pays for people when they are the most vulnerable, when they are sick. I see co-pays as the reason so many people support big changes in health care finance. Insurance companies did it to themselves, to make their products more marketable to employers.