Criticism is often confused with "negative feedback". However criticism is actually an opinion as a whole, with also constructive motivation why the opinion is the way it is. Technically, a compliment can also be criticism. That would then be positive criticism. It's not only your faults you gotta learn from after all. Your successes are important in order to learn as well, so they too should be mentioned. And sometimes criticism can be neither positive nor negative, but rather: "I think this song is pretty good, but would be even better if the baseline had a few more variations". So basically the baseline is not denoted as bad, but as something that can still be improved improving the song as a whole. You get my reasoning. Critics are what keeps us sharp, and which reminds us that none of us are infallible. But too many negative critics can make us feel worthless and too much good critics can make us feel lazy and arrogant, so it all comes down to proper balance. But criticism can be both positive and negative and even neutral.... Good set up criticism is not as black-white as good or bad, you know.