Here's my meme:
If you haven't a reading plan, here it is:
Start with a book of John, or any of the Gospels, and read all the way to Revelation.
Then start on Genesis and read all the way to Malachi.
Then, start the process over again... don't ever stop. The importance of it is Biblical literacy; the more you know your Bible, the greater your usefulness to God in helping people.
But overall... your spiritual life is only as strong as your prayer life. Jesus said you can do nothing without Him (John 15:5). And a way to abide in Him is to pray to Him, asking Him to give you the will to read, to study, to meditate on the scriptures, to do what's right in His eyes.
And the greatest motivation to live as a Christian is what Jesus did for you on the cross.
"We love Him because He first loved us" - 1 John 4:19
Now... if you have any questions, ask me. Do not hesitate.