Hey guy, paragraphs are a thing.
Listen, not like this wasn't fun n all but my eyes are hurting and I'm bleeding brain cells by the bucket with your nonsense.
This caught my eye though:
"i accept people as they are but i just dot accept racism, JUST BECAUSE, for the first time in my life during a high school baseball playoff game at school i actually feared for my life. i had NEVER experienced racism in public & i NEVER EXPECTED it in a school. i expected racism at abar or some where yhay wasn't kid friendly."
Guy, I was 8 when we moved to an Italian neighborhood. You know what it was like being the lone Puerto Rican in an Italian neighborhood in the 1970s? Or did you think they just made that shit up for the movies?
But actually my first taste of racism (that I was aware of) was my first 2 weeks of 3rd grade. Public school (my father was a cheap bastard), I was one of only 3 kids in my class that wasn't 'black.' They gave us hell till they found out I was half Rican, then they said I was ok. I was bewildered. We had lived in mixed neighborhoods before then, and skin color was like hair color to me. Just a thing that varied. The only difference I was aware of was that some kids had parents that could speak Spanish too like mine, and some didn't. Life was beautiful.
Anyways, me and the middle sibling (the younger hadn't started yet) begged and begged our father to let us go to the Catholic school almost everyone on the block went to. So he finally relented after 2 weeks.
I didn't know "Spic" was a slur against us till the 4th grade. Thought it was like calling someone a buggerhead or something funny. I got called it a lot.
A difference between me and you, and it's a BIG difference, is I had no one to turn to. No brothers, no cousins, no relatives, no one. Shit, my sisters ratted me out to my parents when I said something back to the Italians. Then I had to deal with them. In fact, looking back, that was the worst of it, my family. They used to act like I made the word "Spic" up so that I can pick on those Italians.
Just. me. alone.
But that's life. You learn to deal with it, grow a backbone. Learn to defend yourself. Take charge of your life.That's why I don't threaten anyone. Because I grew up being threatened by an entire neighborhood, and you know what? I ain't dead yet. None of them did anything. Sheet, my biggest fear was getting beat at home.
Anywhoo, things got better over the years. Till high school. Then in my father's country, they...