Ok, he wasn't as major as they made him out to be, just an irritant that was actually rather low key but changed gears and suddenly started getting on everyone's nerves.
Most said he was trolling as a troll, but he seemed autistic like (legit) or maybe a foreigner becuase his wording was very precise and rather stilted. He seemed rather innocent in attitude. So maybe he was just a prick. But if a troll troll, he was high art.
Anyways, he started calling out memers on reposts, yet posted them himself, and went grammar nazi deluxe for even the littlest comments.
Then some MemeFarmer[something] fella claimed he had cancer, and 123Guy told him to go die of it. Then everyone went ballistic on his ass. That was the end of him, he got deleted if I got that right (ask Olympian or Fin or Dash, this was early 2017 and I was a newb then).
So then there was a parade on alt knockoffs. 124Guy, 123GuyAgain, 123Girl, 123Gay... and of course, the one that fooled them all, 1234Guy.
1234Guy got him down pat. 1234Guy had paid attention. 1234Guy was way fab. 1234Guy was, well, never mind,,,