Uh-huh. The House inquiry that took three months, and got as far as it could before hitting the brick wall of Trump Administration stonewalling, was "rushed"
And the two-week Senate trial with no new witnesses at all, but featuring a whole bunch of grandstanding by both hired and elected GOP partisan hacks, wasn't "rushed" at all
Always cute to hear Republicans argue that Dems should have gone into court to fight all the subpoenas, making it likely the impeachment hearing process would have drug out into summer or possibly beyond the 2020 election. Yeah, that would have been awesome. And I'm sure y'all would have sat by patiently as the process played out and refrained from accusing Dems of staging their own version of "election rigging"
In fact, the proper thing to do in order to contest a subpoena is for the person *under subpoena* to go to court to try to quash it if they object. But this Administration didn't even bother to do that. They just waved around the wand of Executive Privilege and sometimes didn't even bother to state a reason for not responding.
Not impeaching Trump at all after all the rotten shit he's done (Ukrainegate only being the most flagrant violation) would have been a mistake.
So: I am pretty satisfied with the way House Dems handled this, and turning over the obstructed investigation to the GOP Senate for them to own their part in it. I have no idea what the general public is going to think about all this, but from a lawyer's perspective, I think Dems did as well as they could.
Next Democratic presidency? The curtain will be thrown open and we'll see just everything this Administration has been hiding.
Unless Trump rips up all the documents first.