This impeachment trial concerns the conduct of the Trump Administration, and is not truly an opportunity for the GOP to grandstand about whatever latest conspiracy theory you guys have cooked up about these people. If you wanted to do that, then you can do that at any point in time.
But: in the interests of fairness and balance, sure, I’ll make you a 1-for-1 witness deal on the following:
1. Hunter Biden? Sure, call him to the Senate floor and question him about crack and hookers and hear how ridiculous you sound. I looked into his allegedly corrupt background and all I could find was a paternity suit in Arkansas. His appointment to Burisma was nepotism, probably, but I’ve seen no solid evidence of criminality.
2. HRC? What does she have to do with impeachment? But if you want to haul her back in front of Congress and question her about emails and Benghazi or whatever, be my guest. She did relatively well under oath except for that “what difference does it make?” quote that you guys took out of context and replayed ad nauseum.
3. Comey — Lol? Again nothing to do with impeachment but yeah go ahead and ask him whatever you want about prosecutorial decisions that were well within his discretion.
4. McCabe — Frequent target of Trump’s whining. It appears the Justice Department has finally decided to halt its ineffectual attempts to prosecute him for alleged bias in the Russia probe. But since Trump apparently knows so much about McCabe’s corruption: sure, let’s have Trump question McCabe under oath personally on the Senate floor. That would be fun.
5. Brennan — Another frequent target of Trump. Okay, let’s have Trump personally cross-examine this guy too.
6. Sztrok — I’m sensing a pattern here. You’re obsessed about relitigating the Russia probe that generated tons of indictments and convictions but, in effect, excused Mr. Trump himself of personal misconduct and is already old news by this point. Sure, call this dude to the Senate floor and rip him apart over his affair and text messages.
7. Page — Carter Page? The ex-Trump guy who just filed a lawsuit in federal court today over the Russia dossier? Mmm, when it comes to this one, why don’t we wait and see until that lawsuit has legs before giving him one of the largest platforms on earth upon which to grandstand about anti-Trump conspiracies.
So that’s six folks I’ll give you, and in return, I demand the testimony of Bolton, Mulvaney, Giuliani, Pompeo, Pence, and Trump himself.