No fear, I've lived off the grid for almost 20 years. And you?
The reality is that there are trade offs that are dismissed by the so called "pro alternative energy" camp. Solar panels have a 20-25 year lifespan then they become virtually useless waste. Wind turbines ditto- the physical forces on the blades alone give them a working life of about 20 years- and they are made from oil based products and carbon fiber which uses coal as the primary source for the carbon.
I live in what is an optimum use of solar, a passive solar, home (a modern efficient cave if you will) in the optimum solar energy zone and I can tell you that when the sun doesn't shine you resort to a carbon based fuel to keep from freezing to death. How about ignoring the waste stream that battery based electrical storage creates? All energy has associated environmental costs. There is no such thing as "clean energy." Instead of polarized contempt, how about addressing the facts? Just saying.