Caught me as I was just about to hit the sack, haha
Wasn't sure if you were pointing at that, orrrrrrrrr... so I wanted to make sure.
A rarely heard take on it was that on account of the Shah getting a bit too assertive, convincing OPEC to take advantage of the need and raise oil prices and whatnot, his use as a US puppet was expiring, so the goverment figured letting Khoemeni return and ousting the Shah will make him all thankful and compliant to us, thus Carter getting the Shah to let him return from exile in France.
However, having been tortured by SAVAK and them killing his father as well made the Ayatollah not exceedingly open to being an AyaToolah (sorry, I hadda), and well, we all know the rest of that backfiring.
So, a soft coup, if you will, and that puts that one on Carter & Co.
Heard this on an excellent multi-part documentary that showed on PBS round the late 80s called the "History of Black Gold" or something like that.
The Shah wasn't even part of OPEC, if I remember correctly, but he started approaching them with the idea of jacking up prices, setting off the Energy Crisis.
Be back in a few hours...