that's how it was set-up and was quite effective in checking powers of both branches.
however,in 2003 congress abdicated their responsibility during the bush administration,and expanded executive powers.white house lawyers addington and yoo were pivotal in that regard.
then,obama came in,a constitutional law professor,and not only did not RECIND those powers,but expanded them.(seriously,you can't make this up.the absurdity alone is mind boggling)which opened the door for Obama to continue the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,but expand into 5 new territories.
and then just recently,both ro khanna and tulsi gabbard attempted to introduce addendums to the NDAA that would have restricted executive powers,one specifically addressing presidential powers in regards to iran.which,i might add,ironically,came a DAY AFTER the Afghanistan papers were made public.
now the NDAA passed,(day after afghanistan papers) with the removal of a particular addendum.
can you guess which one?
that's RIGHT..the very specific addendum restricting the president from engaging in military actions against iran.
can you guess which political leader was the main assassin to that addendum?
think of the most ironic here....
if you guessed Nancy Pelosi,you would be CORRECT!
so when you see Pelosi doing her media tour decrying trump for actions in iran.
just remember,SHE was the one who lead the charge to give him that power to do the very thing that she is pretended to be so offended about.
the politics in my country have become such a farce,such an abject absurdist,surrealistic nightmare...arrrrrrgh..f**k me..i want to punch someone in the f**king FACE!!!
such a failed species.....