Where does it say that?
It doesn’t. That’s the name Theologians have given to the concepts discussed in Deuteronomy 1:39, James 4:17, and Romans 14:12.
Yeah, that’s right. Forgive me, I assumed that you wouldn’t know that concept. As for killing righteous people in the flood? No, I don’t believe so. The Bible says that no others on the earth were as righteous as Noah and his family. I cannot give an account if there was in fact a righteous person that God decided to kill.
Again, this is God’s actions I’m telling you about here. 1, this won’t bring any fruit because you don’t take God as an authority, therefor your can invalidate any of His actions simply on the premise that you don’t agree with them.
Ah, but the problem with making your moral standard whatever’s good for society is that society changes. There is not one society even. There are multiple. Sure, you could say that there is a general world society, but even then societies standard vary country to county. And what about Hitler’s society? What HE thought was good for society and the individual is now thought to be one of the most heinous ideals in human history. So you cannot validate your morality based on society. Society is always changing, and by your logic, your morals along with it. That is no way to make decisions of any kind.
For me, yes. For you, no. You do not accept the authority of God or the Bible. So, look at it like this: what is the logic in some of God’s laws? The Ten Commandments for instance. It seems awfully practical and logical to me not to kill people (Do not commit murder) And it seems that there is also logic in not sleeping with another man’s wife (Do not commit adultery). There are also logical explanations for the other commandments as well. I unfortunately don’t have the time to explain all of them right now.
Which laws say to keep slaves, kill gays, witches, and rebellious children? Those laws were for the Jews. I am not Jewish nor do I practice Judaism.
Hey, I didn’t say it, God did. Tell that to God. Bet you bottom dollar He’s listening.
There are some things I cannot explain to people who do not have faith. That is one of them.
Ok then...I wouldn’t advise doing that though.