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Anyone concerned about a military draft?

RELAX, YOUR COUNTRY WILL NOT RELY ON YOU FOR ANYTHING. | image tagged in captain obvious,ww3,iran,soleimani,draft,memes | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
9,748 views 39 upvotes Made by james3v6 5 years ago in politics
13 ups, 5y,
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7 ups, 5y,
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eyyyy if you don't enlist yourself to die for rich person who doesn't care, you're a traitor.
i'll be glad if we're not drafted, and you can suck on it
2 ups, 5y
And yeah, McDonalds is another big american stereotype I missed: consumerism.
4 ups, 5y,
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Don't worry your empty little head, Waffle. You won't be drafted, You read at a second grade level. You whine like a child, And suck at everything you do.
2 ups, 5y,
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Name one thing wrong about his comment
1 up, 5y,
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If you think joining the military only benefits the rich, Explain how poor countries have a military.
5 ups, 5y,
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made w/ Imgflip meme maker
I think that Waffle was talking specifically about the US military, therefore, other countries are unrelated.

Now that we've cleared that out, let me ask you this: what was the US doing for the last few decades, regarding foreign policies? Mainly invasions and bombings, a lot of which you're not even aware of, and some you've actually completely justified in your minds like nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (they wouldn't surrender), or the invasions of the Middle East (fighting against ISIS and bringing freedom and democracy to the region).

So, to return back to the Waffle's comment, who are the US soldiers dying for? Not for their country and most certainly not for their countrymen. They die, just as Waffle said, for rich people like Henry Kissinger, John Bolton or the Rothschilds who in the end, don't care about them at all. As long as there are US military bases where the natural resources are, they don't care what happens to the soldiers.
2 ups, 5y,
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Yeah I'm not aware of what was going on during my 18 years of service, 11 of them as a SFOD-D Operator. I know nothing about the 26,171 bombs Obama dropped in 2016.
The destabilization of the middle east when Obama pulled our troops out against the advice of his military advisors, Creating the vacuum that fueled the rise of Isis.
America nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki because Emperor Hirohito said " I am ready to put a weapon in the hands of every man, Woman and child to fight for Japan".

If Islam is the religion of peace, Why has America and other nations been trying to bring peace to the middle east?

Who are American soldiers dying for? They are dying for America as you stand on their corpses blaming the rich for their sacrifice. We don't ask for your thanks for our service. We ask that you honor the men and women who gave their lives for a country you seem to think is evil.

You obviously don't care what happens to Americas servicemen/women. What you were taught in your classroom by your liberal professor and what you read on the internet while you were smoking your bong is all that matters.
2 ups, 5y,
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By 'you', I meant the american public in general. That's why I wrote 'minds' instead of 'mind'. Sorry for not making that clear. And besides, most of you wouldn't be able to find countries America 'intervened' in on a map.

About ISIS:

Sorry, but I've been unable to verify the Hirohito quote. If you have a video of him saying that, I'll eat my words. And even if he said that, the nuking is unjustified. If Trump said that the americans are willing to defend America with all ammo available and then North Korea wiped Washington from the face of the Earth, would what Trump said be a justification for that?

I never said Islam is a religion of peace. If you knew me, you'd know I'm among the most anti-abrahamic people you could ever talk to.
Trying to bring peace to the Middle East? Pffft. Israel has been conducting crime after a crime against the Palestinians from pretty much day one of it's existence, and America is not only doing nothing to help the Palestinians, but actually funding Israel through AIPAC and considering it it's greatest ally. So much about bringing peace to the Middle East.

I don't stand on the US soldiers' corpses. I am not an american and I can never be grateful enough for that. And even if I was an american, I wouldn't honor the soldiers as there is nothing honorable about them at all.

Of course I don't care what happens to the US soldiers. Nobody forced them to join the military. All of them have done it through their own free will. If they die while in foreign lands, they absolutely deserve it. The world would be a better place if every man and woman sticked to their native lands where they belong (this includes the migrants/refugees, who btw, wouldn't even exist had it not been for the military interventions).
2 ups, 5y,
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Thanks for the screenshot. It's all I'll ever need to show what a fool you are.
3 ups, 5y,
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I thought you said nobody in America (including you, ofc) gives a shit what I say. And now you make a big deal about what I say :D
3 ups, 5y
2 ups, 5y
Practice what you preach, Hypocrite foreign stone age barbarian
1 up, 5y,
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You want a video of a Hirohito quote from 80 years ago to prove you're not a moron.
Since your not American or Japanese your opinion is as worthless as you are.

So you think every country should stick to themselves.. Good to know,
You're not American, What shithole country are you from, And why do you think anyone in America gives a damn what you say. Stick to your own shithole country.

America and North Korea don't give a shit what you say, Stick to your own shithole country.
Islamists don't give a shit what you say. Stick to your own shithole country

Now get your worthless ass off Imgflip and stick to Meme sites in your own shithole country.
3 ups, 5y,
2 replies
Haha, cope harder, filthy americ**t. So wonderful to see you pissed off. :D
2 ups, 5y
Your Meme is full of shit just like you are.
Practice what you preach and stick to your own shithole country.
You're so weak and embarrassed you won't even say which shithole you live in.

I'm sure us filthy Americans bombed your shithole country. You're still in the stone age so you probably didn't even notice the rubble.
2 ups, 5y
i love how the american flag on that shirt has israel and mcdonalds. Based
1 up, 5y,
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You claim to have served 18 years fighting, um, fighting, uh, oh yeah, killing civilians in where there was no army, and yet you ask:

"If Islam is the religion of peace, Why has America and other nations been trying to bring peace to the middle east?"

Did the CIA test the LSD drugs on you also, or did your rifle have a maladjusted skope?
2 ups, 5y,
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Using your twisted logic: Obama was killing civilians all 8 years of his failed presidency. You cheered him every step of the way.

You can't debate like an adult, You use childish insults as a crutch.

You stalk me on multiple Memes in a fit of rage because I keep embarrassing your sorry ass.
I don't have to call you a loser, You scream it yourself.

Your empty life revolves around a Meme site attempting to make everyone as miserable as you are. You failed like you fail at everything. No one cares.

Rage, Vagisil,Rage
1 up, 5y,
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Um, wOt?

You have my permission to tell me who you shot at for all that whole 18 year tour of duty.

btw, YOU'RE the one that popped out of nowhere the oer week and replied to a bunch of mine on different memes, you silly inbred ingrate. Don't like me replying to you, don't ask me to.

Oh, and perhpas get off the site while you're at it to protect your sensitive (and senile) feelz, as witnessed from your crying at everyone who comments.
1 up, 5y
You're a loser Vagisil, You scream it every time you reply to me and other users that trigger your childish temper tantrums.
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1 up, 5y,
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"Who are American soldiers dying for? They are dying for America as you stand on their corpses blaming the rich for their sacrifice. We don't ask for your thanks for our service. We ask that you honor the men and women who gave their lives for a country you seem to think is evil."

we thank them for their service, obviously, even if they only signed up to be drone pilots with discounts. what our problem is when the henry Kissingers and john boltons come out of the swamp trump is supposed to be draining and lobby the government into offensive maneuvers. it's called national *defense
2 ups, 5y,
10 replies
1 up, 5y,
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"Yeah, Listening to a retard brag about his Minecraft skills as his life's greatest accomplishment winds me up."

bet you can't make music either
0 ups, 5y
That's your comeback. You are so f**king retarded.
1 up, 5y,
1 reply
"The military industrial complex paid me to do a job you are to weak inept and intellectually incapable of performing."

they also supply the middle east with weapons. why produce for one country when you can expand internationally?
0 ups, 5y
You can't expand beyond a video game, It's why your opinion is meaningless just like your life.
2 ups, 5y
You still don't know what country I live in, hahahahhhahahahah

Sorry to dissapoint you, but it has far less crime and corruption than the US and doesn't suck Israeli cock 24/7, unlike the US.

Your country and countrimen have a BDSM with Israel daily.
"Ah, master! Sink USS Liberty! Ahhh! AAhhh! YES! Sink it! Aaahhhh! Now do 9/11! AAAAHHH! AH! YESSS! Here's another billion$ for you, master!"

And my average countrymen atleast know some basic facts about the world, unlike you ignorant, degenerate creatures.

“The Americans are the living refutation of the Cartesian axiom, "I think, therefore I am": Americans do not think, yet they are.”
― Julius Evola
1 up, 5y
This is what you're proud of, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA

Btw, still haven't guessed what country I'm from. I'll give you a hint: if it weren't for an inventor from there, america would be a 3rd world shithole.
1 up, 5y,
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"I hear it every day from liberals and leftists"

neither me nor powermetalhead are liberals, mate. lmao

"And you wonder why I'm so harsh with you and others here on Flip."

because i'm so good at winding you up, all it takes is my presence
1 up, 5y
Yeah, Listening to a retard brag about his Minecraft skills as his life's greatest accomplishment winds me up.
2 ups, 5y,
2 replies
And it's so hilarious you call Iran a terrorist, when it's obvious who the real terrorist is.

Btw, my country is on the image. Two countries, actualy. One of them which existed for only three years at the time, and neither of which have ever done any wrong towards america. But I'm sure you'll justify that. If you managed to justify deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians because one guy on thethrone said something, you'll justify anything. Except when it's done towards your oh wo precious country.
2 ups, 5y
Your shithole country couldn't even outlast the battery in a smoke detector . LMAO

America didn't bomb you back to the stone age, Your shithole country hasn't evolved to that stage of evolution yet.
2 ups, 5y
Your Meme is full of shit, Iran has killed thousands of Iraqis , Iran is the worlds leading sponsor of terrorism. Keep lying Caveman.
1 up, 5y,
1 reply

eyyy glad to know the military industrial complex owns you
0 ups, 5y
The military industrial complex paid me to do a job you are to weak inept and intellectually incapable of performing.
Now I own a beautiful home, Have a distinguished military career, Have a nice pension, Free healthcare and the gratitude of Millions of Americans.
While you served yourself, Struggle with your life wondering how you're going to pay your bills with your hand glued to a video game controller.
0 ups, 5y
Actually, don't try to guess what country I'm from. You brain wil overheat, HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA.
1 up, 5y,
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Oh, so now Iraquis are the good guy, and Iran's bad for killing them, but when the US does it, the Iraquis are bad.

At least you're honest. You don't try to hide the fact that you're an apathic subhuman c**t.

Do the world a favor: grab a knife and slit your throat so you can choke in your own polluted, worthless blood, you degenerate mutt.
Or better yet, take a trip to Mexico or Brazil and visit a nearby cartel. They treat their guests with utmost hospitality, hahahhahahahhahahhahahahha
1 up, 5y
"Their heads would have holes the size of an orange in them."

Yes, Chowsie's fart imbued bullets are that powerful.
And he has the plastic toy soldier collection to prove it.
0 ups, 5y
I said you're a lying caveman.

I know you're upset, I would be too, If i lived in a 3rd world shithole country.

I wonder if I killed any of your friends, You would know, Their heads would have holes the size of an orange in them.

I don't go to shitholes like Mexico or Brazil, Both are paradise compared to your 3rd world shithole.
1 up, 5y,
1 reply
Highlight me a part where I said americans are filthy. I only called you a filthy americ**t becaus you are an exact american described by the non-american stereotypes. Arrogant, thick headed, imperialistic, deluded to the point it should be considered an incurable mental illness, dumb, ignorant, no sense of honor, dignity or appreciation of other peoples and their countries whatsoever, constantly boasting about 'freedom', superiority complex up the ass, the list goes on and on and on and on.

Literally the whole world hates America. But you americans are brainwashed and deluded even there, believing they hate you because of jealousy (LOL!), instead of your country being an imperialistic terrorist from day one of it's existence.

Here's the difference between me and leftists: leftists will say they hate America because muh racism, muh puppet in the White House bad (except when it's their kind of a puppet) and muh oppressed minorities. I hate America because, as I said already, it's arguably the biggest terrorist state from the day it was founded. And not only that, but it always gets away with it's crimes. Hatred is only a natural feeling to be expressed towards such a country.
1 up, 5y
Keep raging from your 3rd world shithole.
1 up, 5y,
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Put down your game controller and enlist for 1 tour. It might make a man out of you You'll see 1st hand what it's like to be part of a unit, You'll see there is more to life than Minecraft.
1 up, 5y,
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Arrested development Chowsie, 55 going on 15.
1 up, 5y
Spew some more of your childish insults to prop up your endless temper tantrum because you are butthurt.
1 up, 5y,
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Let's go through your idiotic Meme you didn't bother to fact check

Truman: Japan pretending to negotiate peace attacks Pearl Harbor killing 2,335 American servicemen and 68 civilians. Would have armed every Japanese civilian to prolong the war. Where's your Meme denouncing Japan?

Eisenhower: Invasion of Lebanon happened in 1982, 13 years after Eisenhower died., But don't his death a calendar and facts get in the way of your ridiculous narrative.

Kennedy: Attempted to overthrow a communist dictator who allowed Americans biggest threat to park Nukes 1,500 miles off Americas coast. You would have liked that wouldn't ya.

Johnson: Vietnam was a disaster, America shouldn't have tried to bring democracy to a communist country destroying the lives of it's populace. Who cares about the Vietnamese people who wanted freedom from a oppressive government.

Nixon: Military operations conducted by the Republic of Vietnam, In Cambodia. Who cares about facts, It's the lying narrative that is important.

Ford: The Indonesian military invaded East Timor under the pretext of anti-colonialism.
Damn... Those pesky facts keep ruining your narrative.

Carter: Distracted by the attack of peaceful Iranians shouting "Death to America' as they stormed a American embassy taking 60 Americans hostage for 444 days. No Meme denouncing Iran? I'm shocked.

Reagan: US backed Coup 'd' etats aimed at replacing military and authoritarian regimes.
We already established you don't care about civilians or freedom.

Bush the elder: Backed a coup that dissolved the USSR.
We're already established you were a proponent of the USSR when we stopped them from parking Nukes off Americas coast.

Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama: Fighting peaceful Muslims spreading terrorism around the world.
9/11 A day America will never forget. You must have forgotten.

Trump: You are actually dumb enough to blame the war in Syria for a white supremacists running over protesters in Charlottesville VA.

Did you even read your idiotic Meme before you blindly posted it?
Don't feel too bad, 2 other Morons liked it and they didn't read and fact check it either.
1 up, 5y,
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Sorry to dissapoint you, but I did fact check it. Bet you didn't expect that.

The "If the Nuremberg laws were applied" claim was made by Noam Chomsky. Here's what he had to say on top of that:

The meme was made by a random guy from Reddit about 2 years ago (, much after Chomsky's statement. Chomsky only talked about the presidents at his time (Truman-Bush the Elder). This one guy from Reddit was courteous enough to include Clinton, Bush the Younger and Obama:

I'll verify what yet has to be verified.

Clinton: NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 (about 500 verified civilian casualties, but the actual number is likely much greater), deliberately targeting non-military buildings, usage of depleted uranium and the bombing lasted for 78 days.

This leaves me only with Trump. The meme was made early during Trump's presidency, so Trump has done little at that point worth mentioning. I think that the creator of the meme was talking about this when he mentioned deliberate civilian massacres in Syria:
Other than that, I'm only aware of this:

So there's that. Too bad I won't be able to see the look on your face after reading this.
1 up, 5y,
2 replies
Hirohito did say that. I don't give a shit what you say.
No one gives a shit what you say.
Practice what you preach, GTF off Imgflip and stick to Meme sites in your own shithole country.
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If you want to know why I reply in a condescending way, Read Powermetalheads replies.
I was polite, Until it was Time to treat him like the hateful bigoted fool he is.

I hear it every day from the left, Liberals and Anti-Trumpers. I at least Identity the differences between the 3 groups, You lump anyone who disagrees with you into one group.

You think Trump and his supporters are dividing and destroying America, I say you just want to destroy Trump and anyone who supports him.
I didn't care for Obama's policies, But I treated him with respect for his 1st term, I gave him a chance to prove himself. I never attacked his supporters.
You Anti-Trumpers never gave Trump a chance. You were screaming impeachment before he was inaugurated, You were attacking his supporters before he was elected.
You keep playing the victim for attacks by me when Anti-Trumpers have been raging since Trump announced his candidacy.
You'll either listen to what I'm saying, Become defensive and make an excuse or you'll lie and deny it. I can post multiple sources backing my claim. You chose.
2 ups, 5y
Yeah, they have a military called "Hewp me America"

You been on this planet long?
2 ups, 5y,
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"And suck at everything you do"

aight. 1v1 me in minecraft
2 ups, 5y,
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I don't play video games. I grew up. You wouldn't know anything about growing up.

I'll bet you impress all the girls with your minecraft skills.

Thanks for telling me how you spend your lonely empty days.
2 ups, 5y,
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You sure seem to know the names of a lot of them - not arcade ones from back in your day, but today's Xboxers.
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2 ups, 5y,
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The Chosenwang is the imgflip screeching bitchboi.
1 up, 5y
You hate me because I know what a failure you are.
0 ups, 5y,
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Raging Vagisil do stalked me to another Meme in a fit of rage.

I didn't name any video games you raging fool.

Back in your day all you had was pong, You haven't matured a day since.
I don't need video games to entertain me, I have you, My own personal raging puppet.

Rage, Vagisil, Rage.
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*to the red reply dowm the thread*

Yeah, hahaha.

What I like about you american leftists is that you at least hate Israel. Neocons will do their hardest to defend that zionist, terrorist state and will insist that it is it's greatest ally (note: USS Liberty, HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA)
1 up, 5y,
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"american leftists"

i will say, personally, i'm not a liberal or a leftist. still, what you say holds true. neocons will defend israel and call the nation our ally, despite it leeching off of us. imagine what would happen if iran went after one of our ships and called it "an accident". boy oh boy we'd have the nukes ready.
2 ups, 5y,
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I remember one of your older memes where you said you're moderate left, or something along the lines of that. That's why I called you a leftist. Looks like I was wrong, though.
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i won't lie.. my positions are pretty left-leaning.
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4 ups, 5y,
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"Defend their country", oh how you made me chuckle.

Name me a single war fought on the US mainland since the civil war
1 up, 5y,
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You should submit that.
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Haha, maybe I should! But it is a VERY old meme (certainly made before Trump was president). If anything, it would be a repost reminder.
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Well it's still relevent now, altho maybe that situation is cooling off now, who knows.
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I submitted it, but it got unfeatured for being a repost.

But check this out: this one user called CentralNYGuy made two comments about Iran's "long history of agrresions, invasions, terrorism and funding terrorism" and that the US military bases are there to keep them at bay, even though the last time Iran invaded another country was in 1738, 38 years before the US even became independant. But he deleted his comments before I had a chance to reply, and hasn't posted them again. He either fact-checked what he said and figured out he was wrong, or was too lazy to enter a debate.
1 up, 5y
CentralNYGuy is total ignoramous and party hack.

A few months ago I posted on one of his memes. and he kept trying to argue against what I said. Thing is, I WAS IN TOTAL AGREEMENT WITH HIM!!! Friggin moron. This went on for a couple of days, and I 'innocently' answered replied calmly, in line with his viewpoint, but without spelling it out for him that I was. Most ridiculous discussion I've had here.

If you can find the original template and redo it similarly? I looked for it myself, couldn't find it.
3 ups, 5y
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