You left out a bunch of talking points that didn't fit your skewed narrative.
I'll help you out.
Obama wasn't investigated by anyone in his corrupt justice system.
No accountability in Obama's administration
IRS targeting scandal. Evidence destroyed.
Benghazi resulting in the death of a American ambassador and 3 American servicemen.
(What difference at this point does it make) Absolutely none to Obama apologists. They deserved to die AmIRight.
ATF gun walking scandal, Resulting in the death of a federal agent.
Veterans Affairs scandal Resulting in the death of 40 U.S. veterans waiting for appointments, Between 1,400 and 1,600 veterans were forced to wait months for appointments.
Hacking. Obama presided over the biggest data breach in the federal government’s history.
Traded a deserter for 5 terrorists.
Assassinated a American citizen with a drone strike without due process.
Bypassed Congress, Sent pallets of cash in the middle of the night to the worlds leading terrorist state.
Passed the unconstitutional ACA bill
Presided over supposed election interference.
HHS director stepped down due to tax evasion.
Quadrupled the deficit in his first year of office.
Presided over FISA abuse.
I have a lot more I can list, But it's pointless, You'll defend Obama by saying "No convictions". Ignoring the deaths caused by his ineptitude, Ignoring the crimes he committed. Defending him no matter how much evidence there is.
Your list of indicted Trump officials is the typical talking points of Anti-Trumpers who were screaming for Trumps impeachment before he was inaugurated.
The greatest discovery of all time would be if you Anti-Trumpers would stop labeling the other side as Evil Racist Traitors and see wrong when it's in front of your face instead of attempting to convict a President you hate for crimes he didn't commit.
On the bright side, Democrats have set a precedent for Republicans to impeach any future Democrat President based on lies and hate.