I'm guessing you mean God? Mmn...yeah. So why are PEOPLE getting so worked up about it? You suggest it's between me and him.
Like the the societal pressure pushing down on the world is only pushing down 30lbs, sq.in. when it should be pushing down 500lbs, sq.in.
1. I can see no time in our future when the Christian faith will be forced to move, "Christmas" to June (The estimated month Jesus was born) so that people may celebrate winter solstice and the natural birth of the new year in peace.
2. I see no time in our future when the world adopts a calendar based on the estimated birth, "year" of the planet or the age of humankind.
Just imagine how impossible those two things would be from becoming reality and yet, it's still not enough. I celebrate Christmas with my family by the way but I've had a long standing love, hate relationship with tradition for the sake of tradition. We bring trees into our home and decorate them with lights and bright objects. You've got to admit, it's some pretty weird stuff. Not to mention how it has become commercialized to the point it has.
People don't like to feel like they are being, "forced" to do anything. Being forced to be PC sucks, just like being, "forced" through the same societal norms to say, Merry Christmas. My last two jobs required me to say Merry Christmas because the people in power would have had a shit fit if I said happy holidays. Virtually everyone in power could be found in the same Catholic church every Sunday. This is still happening around the country and is still prevalent.
In my eyes, being forced to either side sucks.
Lot's of people don't celebrate Christmas and no kid is going to get detention at a school for wishing someone Merry Christmas. Hysteria over make believe threats to a religious tradition that has absolutely no real threat to it whatsoever in this country and nearly the entire world.
Most school holiday concerts are filled with Christmas trees and some if not all religious Christmas songs. I know my town is that way. Not even one menorah to be seen. It's just assumed everyone is Catholic and goes to church. I find that quite strange but I'm the type of person who looks around at other people while standing in the checkout line. If you notice, most people don't look at anyone while in the checkout line. Mankind is like a bunch of cattle, following the fences/rows and doing what society expects of them.