Governments don't actually solve problems, so for me to worry about what government isn't doing is insane. I think we would all be way better off if the government did less, way less. People didn't used to worry so much about who was president in the past, because it didn't actually matter. People rights were recognized and people actually knew what they were. I think people need to start taking responsibility for their selves, their own protection, their own education, their own health, it's time people looked after themselves again and cut the cord.
We need to end the fed, end dual citizenship of those in government, especially those who have vowed their allegiance to isreal. We need to get back on a gold standard, pull our troops out of everywhere and only guard our own borders. We need to end taxation, our government survived just fine before taxes. States also need to cut the cord, small government on a state level is always more representative.
Also their is no majority consensus supporting global warming amongst climatologists. In fact that was all complete fabricated and parroted by those with alternative energy investments.